Sunday, June 1, 2008


Hello imbeciles...

Now, if you have ventured into this space you have got to have a lot of time on your hand or simply love me. I know me. So thanks a lot for your a lot of time.

Why this bog? - I was reading through a friend-slash-acquaintance's blog (let's call him 'once again')...and frankly I was impressed at all that was splashed across his pages...and he has been doing so since the last couple of years... and I was like hmmm why not also vomit all my repressed thoughts in the free space available? It is great therapy...and free of dollars...(compare that with going to the shrink!)

Why Pharmer? - My life till now has been a tome of drama, mystery, and utter tragedy! (more drama than anything esle)... I always wonder how I even got to where I am right now. I have sensed the hand of this conniving, ,scheming and plotting lady. Her ways are so mysterious that even the strongest at heart have given up sometimes saying, "You did all you could, it is just Destiny!" But then I also believe that Destiny aunty follows you everywhere and gives what you deserve. Therefore I believe in the sayings of the farmers "As you sow, so shall you reap." So why the PH in Pharmer? Well, simply put - I have a degree in Pharmacy. Well make that 3 degrees.... and now I am working on a fourth!

Why As you sow, so shall you reap? - Read above!

Why now?-As of the current time I am 10535 days old (i'll let you do the mathematics - its my least favorite, no wait... most hated subject)... and I thought to myself, isnt being over 10,000 days old a little too late in life to start a blog?... but even Amit uncle (everyone who is anyone in the indian film industy calls him that - and the man is more than a 100,000 days old), started one so why not moi!? And yet I thought to one is going to read it... and I said to myself, "Ha! Who cares!"...actually I do...and anyone who writes a blog and says they dont care if no one reads it is a liar! LIAR! So please constantly visit my blog and post a lot of comments! Its an ORDER! Imbeciles!

I have always wanted to keep a log of my thoughts the day I landed in the Americaland so I was around 3 years late ... so better late than never, no?!

Also, and most importantly, I am in a phase of my life where I have been forced to look deep inside myself, beyond blaming it all on the aforementioned Aunty, and answer so many questions about myself to myself that this blog would be a good assistance, in reading my thoughts over and over again until I can define ME....did I mention I have always wanted to maintain a log? I think I did somewhere!

But for you guys it will be a mild form of entertainment!

So what will you people- who have so much time that you have actually managed to reach this paragraph- expect to find on this blog?
I dont know....anything and nothing, rants and raves, melodrama and pithy, and oh yes - boys and men. Did I mention I am a homosexual? Ok this is the final time I will explicitly mention it.

What you will NOT find on this blog...My identity i.e. name, address, work info, study info etc. (closet case yaar), names of close friends&family (privacy issues yaar), names of people I hate (why give them free publicity) (over it)...and poor grammar (i'll try my best).

So, here we go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Imbecillous;

I love yout comments, from the the very top to the end, that you have posted in here. I'm very impressed the way you write things down. Also, the way your mind works. I'm extremely happy to have read your blog.

Thanks for making my day!